Election 2016 - Some Thoughts
Following every election of a new administration there is a sense of trepidation of the unknown. The election of Donald Trump as the next President of the
United States has brought forth a stream of mixed and swirling emotions. Living
in a strongly Republican area of the country I am hearing a lot of enthusiasm
for the change that we will be seeing in Washington and in national policy.
Personally I have found this state of affairs overwhelming and stressful since
I have a variety of concerns and yes, I have to admit fears of what these
changes may mean for the core values of the United States that I grew up in.
There is a lot of rhetoric being presented about racism,
religious intolerance, voting rights, and other serious issues. One topic that
is getting limited press coverage, and I admit falls lower on the survival
scale of other topics, is the fate of our nation’s public lands and the agencies
and people dedicated to their protection.